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So ... What's up with the world?

The increasing presence of consciousness in our physical reality is encouraging, supporting, and allowing a deeply personal inner revolution within people. Humanity has played the game of Separation with all its nuances and sub-games. The game of Separation can also be called Unconsciousness, where a being is only aware of a small part of themselves while the majority of who they are resides deep in the underworld of unconsciousness. This is beautifully represented by the image of an iceberg, where only a small tip is visible above the surface of the great "unconscious" ocean.

And yet, this very ocean and its depths are profoundly conscious and aware. It is utterly alive, existing in realities that are as yet incomprehensible to the human self but available to dive into, explore, and allow. This great ocean is called by many names: the Soul, the Eternal Self, the Higher Self, God. It hides in plain sight everywhere you look—in the dazzling displays of Sacred Geometry in nature and creation, in the amazing creatures we call Animals, and in the marvel that is the Human Being, a creator capable of imagining and upholding the game of Separation in a reality where everything breathes and sings the Divine. Consciousness is both natural and inherent.

A human being is a souled being, a creator of their own reality—even if many are unaware of this or only understand the theory but have yet to experience it consciously.

The collective experiment of Separation has come to an end as each person is repeatedly presented with choices to become aware of their Soul Self, as the old paradigms are no longer supported. Though it may have felt comfortable in the past, they now crumble. The foundations of the old and its principles no longer work, and for those trying to hold onto it, their world seems to be disintegrating—and they are correct.

It would be easy to withdraw into fear when faced with rapidly changing realities that no longer support old ways of living. Things that once offered security now fail to do so, and this is as it should be. This creates the perfect environment to catapult individuals into the most sacred of journeys: the embrace of their own Soul Self.

More and more people are experiencing various stages of awakening, which allow them to perceive the vastness of life and themselves. It begins with questioning and reorienting the foundations of their lives—their paradigms, values, and belief systems. Each new choice illuminates different potentials, presenting perfect steps out of old patterns at each stage. A human being is fully supported on this journey.

The process of awakening, and later realization, involves a complete redefinition of priorities, letting go of the old, inner reorientation, and writing new scripts that integrate consciousness and heart into daily life. Shallow external trappings are replaced with integrity and essence. Everything is reassessed, including relationships with self, others, community, and the environment. Individuals come to see that the darkness they thought existed outside of them actually resides within. Everything is within. This darkness, the inner Shadow, is gradually integrated, and no longer projected onto others. Aspects of the self integrate as the inner reality becomes one of self-love, respect, self support, nourishment and honor. Inner wounds heal, and the integration of light and dark creates a way of being that is wholeness. The inner reality transforms into a safe, joyful space that radiates self-love into all aspects of the physical world. The body undergoes profound changes to accommodate the presence of consciousness and is fully capable of doing so.

This journey is the most incredible experience and it is not possible to accurately convey with words alone. Art in all its expressions becomes part of life, as do analogies and metaphors. To become conscious of the vastness of your own Self, of your eternal nature, is the most profound experience one can have. It is not a one-time event; it is a dance of rediscovery, falling in love with yourself over and over again.

Yet, this journey can also be likened to a rude awakening, as it is not a 'nice' journey, but a very real and visceral one. It takes you to every part of yourself that you hid and tried to sever from your awareness. It takes you to every guilt and shame you’ve ever created, for they too seek integration into consciousness. It demands everything of you and at the same time reveals the most beautiful, the most courageous of you, more than you ever imagined.

The Earth herself is undergoing drastic changes to accommodate the increasing presence of consciousness. The new way is one of inner awareness, self-love, integration of the shadow self, inner fluidity, and a willingness to embrace change.
Personal creations now draw from the well of infinite inner resources, the Soul Self. No longer dependent on energy from external sources, you instead tap into the endless depths of your being, which continually nourish and sustain you. Sustenance now flows vertically, self-sufficiently.

The reality of your inner experiences creates your outer reality. This outer reflection beautifully and accurately mirrors your inner world, regardless of the choices others make. Inner joy overflows, touching others and offering them a glimpse of new possibilities for themselves.

The realized individual embodies their life, radiating an uncompromising love of existence. Connected to the practicality of daily living yet attuned to the vastness of their timeless self, they create and experience physical reality at its best—a living Master in the New Earth, integrated and whole, in oneness with themselves.

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